What You Need To Know About Overcoming Dental Fear

What You Need To Know About Overcoming Dental Fear

There are several reasons why people do not visit their regular family dental clinic as often as they should. Some individuals are just forgetful by nature, failing to remember when their biannual check-up should roll around. Others may have the mistaken assumption...
Dental Care Tips During COVID-19 Lockdown

Dental Care Tips During COVID-19 Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic and its ensuing lockdowns have brought about widespread change in our daily lifestyles. These changes affect various aspects of our lives in many different ways, not only in relation to our physical health and mental well-being, but our oral...
Common Gum Diseases, Causes & How To Prevent Them

Common Gum Diseases, Causes & How To Prevent Them

Gum disease is a common occurrence in adults, with a prevalence of around 50% of adults above the age of 30, according to a recent study in the US. It is a condition where the gums become sore, swollen or infected as a natural body response to certain groups of...
Dental Practices Move Back to Level 2 Restrictions

Dental Practices Move Back to Level 2 Restrictions

With Level 2 restrictions, procedures that can be performed at Blackburn Family Dental Care include: examinations, cleaning with hand instruments, fillings, non-surgical extractions, orthodontics (clear aligners and braces), emergency dental treatment, root canal...
The Difference Between Getting Implants vs Dentures

The Difference Between Getting Implants vs Dentures

The use of dentures is not a recent modern dental practice. In fact, the first recorded set of dentures go as far back as 700 BC, when the Italians of the day, the Etruscans, made them out of animal or human teeth. These were not the sturdiest of dental treatments....